Thursday, April 30, 2009

And Another....

Well, there is only one way to feed a collection...add another one to it! Here is the latest purchase from Tiffany's shop. I love it!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Marie Swap - Mine & Hers

Look what just arrived in the mail Marie Antoinette collage from my swap partner Kana. I just love it in all its red glory! Right now it resides in my new reading room and it fits right in with all the red love in there. Take a look at this lovely collage....
And now that I know Kana received her collage, I can show you some pictures of the one I made. Her favorite color was blue/aqua, so I went to town on creating something in this color palette and had fun doing it. I am so pleased how it turned out and so happy that she loves it!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Birthday Girl

Today is our baby girls'  birthday...hard to believe it is the 18th one! I still remember her like this...
And now she looks like this...
Wow, where has time gone? Happy Birthday Becca!

Monday, April 27, 2009

The Girls and I

Mondays are my days to do my errands in town and I try and cram everything into the morning. After driving my daughter to school, Lola, Minnie and I started our day of galavanting. To make their outings in the vehicle more "appealing" I invested in this doggie chair for the SUV. It allows them to sit up high in the vehicle to see what is going on outside. They are adjusting well to it and I myself am liking it very much because then they are not trying to get on my lap while I am driving. Oh, what we don't do for our doggies....

Anyways, it was a gorgeous sunny day so I went to our local nursery and picked up some more perennials to replace the ones that "perished" in the long winter we had. No more blue star creeper, columbines and sad. So, picked up some hardy shrubs, some woodruff, wallflowers, and chartreuse lady's mantle. This week calls for extended sunshine so I will be taking advantage of it and spending my time OUTSIDE!

This is what's blooming in my backyard now...the first rhodo that is a pale apricot/pink color. I love my rhodos because they all bloom at different times so you can really enjoy each one's beauty. Oh, I love spring!

But, once this warm weather sets in, it is hard to divide time between the outside and the inside chores that still need to be done....let alone creating things.

Also need to organize what I am going to do for youngest daughter's graduation shindig....I think a BBQ is in order, but with the uncertain type of weather we have here in B.C. there will have to be a plan B as well. 

Well, gotta get back to the sunshine at hand! 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Piece of the Sun

Everybody in this household is after a little piece of the sunshine that we've been getting today....even the furry ones! I caught Lola soaking up the sunshine in the sunroom (appropriately named!) and she looked very content to stay there. Miss Minnie was no where to be found....I wonder what she is up too??

Hope you are enjoying a little piece of sunshine where ever you are at!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Hey, That's My Chair!

These two girls kept me company today in my studio as I finished up my Marie Antoinette collage for the swap I'm in...they were curious what mom was up to in her room upstairs. So, it was definitely time to give these two my attention and off we went downstairs to their favorite recliner! Yes, it is not only MY favorite place to be but also a favorite for these two furry females. They vie for my attention and both budge each other to get the best spot on the chair - right on top of my shins! It may be comfort for them but it certainly isn't for me! I let them have their fun for awhile but then it is time for them to retreat to their doggie beds and give mom some space!

Ahhh....a chair to myself....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pansy Love

It's spring clean up around here and also time to "dress" the porch. I felt I should play it safe and plant my favorite....pansies.....just in case we get another cold snap! 

Happy Springtime!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Miss Marie Goodness

Here is a peek at the goodies that will be used to create my collage in the Marie Collage Swap hosted by The Junk Drawer...I am having fun doing this collage and today I was up to my eyeballs in glitter! So fun!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Year Already!

Wow! I can't believe it has already been a year since I have been all started on April 4th of 2008...and it has been great! Blogging is a way of journaling and to chronicle our lives in cyberspace...and a way to meet other bloggers as well in this vast blogging community. I have visiting many blogs and have my favorites that I check back with's like a little visit with my morning coffee. I have been involved in swaps and that is a whole lotta fun!

Blogging gives many outlets to me - other blogs with decorating ideas, recipes, and just some good reads. There are so many talented people out there and I am amazed at these women when I look at their pictures of their homes, families, pets, gardens, etc. And, many of them have etsy stores with their wares in them that are just outstanding! I love "shopping" online in my pajamas! 

Here's to another year of blogging!

Monday, April 13, 2009


For Easter desserts I tried out a few of them being this caramel pecan apple pie..yummy!

First the apples...
Then the topping...
All ready to go into the oven...
Add this caramel syrup and then "ta da" you have a dessert to die for!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Thursday, April 9, 2009

A Kitchen Project

I have been wanting to do this for a while finish off the look in my black, stainless steel kitchen. My white dishwasher just isn't quite cutting it - it sticks out like a sore thumb!
So, off to Home Depot I went and bought all the supplies needed to make my dishwasher "purdy"! A little black paint goes a long way....
And then nothing says "purdy" like a nice shiny piece of nostalgic looking tin to reface the "wallflower" of a white dishwasher...
This little gem is on it's way to being the belle of the ball, or in this case the "belle of the kitchen"...
And then she can join these other two "belle's" to completing the "right" look for this particular kitchen!
And, instead of taking up precious time doing this project, I should instead be tackling this pile on my dining room table....the pile of sorting, filing, etc. for those yucky yearly taxes!
I suppose it's incentive enough that this weekend is Easter and we will have to use our table for Easter dinner...and the fact that the centerpiece would look so much better if it didn't have to share the table with this mess!
When I'm finished with both projects (dishwasher and taxes) I will show you the outcomes of them!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I was beginning to think we would be destined to stare out our back windows to this each day for a looonnnngggg time...dried up, withered, brown twigs with not a bloom on them...wouldn't surprise me as it's already the month of April and there is no action at any of the garden centers here in town!
But look what a couple of nice warm spring days can do! It awakens all those blooms of yesteryear into a popcorn effect on the branches of trees...the sign of new life...the sign that hopefully springtime and all its glorious blue sky days will be a regular daily happening...
I would much rather look at these pretties every day!
One could only hope that this is here to stay...but, I thought I heard the radio station say just this week that they are expecting more rain...and possibly even snow again...arrgghhh!!!